Sunday, December 14, 2008

Poverty has been forgotten again.

Since John Edwards dropped out in January of this year, the war on poverty has slowly disappeared from the political radar, how come?. I believe the reason for that is because of the John Edwards affair, but in my mind that is sorry as hell for people to stop fighting the war on poverty just because of one person’s mistake. I mean I know I have not posted in a while, but I have not stopped fighting the war on poverty. The American people asked for change, now it’s time to start that process, come on America let’s do this.

Sorry for being gone so long.

Hey Everyone,

I am sorry for being gone for so long, but guess what I am back now!



Monday, June 23, 2008

Message from the Half in Ten Campaign

Half In Ten Logo

Kicking Off the Summer

Dear Jason,

Since the launch of Half in Ten, the support we’ve been hearing from you and from organizations around the country has been incredible, making one thing clear: with your help, we will reach our goal.

Half In Ten Video Page

Last month in North Philadelphia, we saw what it looks like for a community to come together against poverty. Community leaders, elected officials and the Half in Ten leadership provided powerful stories and evidence about why reducing poverty by fifty percent is not only possible, but also the right thing to do. Watch them now at our new video page.

And we didn’t stop at just talking! Half in Ten has won campaigns in several states to protect homeowners from foreclosure, and is lobbying legislators to override vetoed minimum wage increases in Connecticut and Minnesota.

On the federal level, we’re supporting bills that will extend unemployment insurance for workers who have run out of their benefits but still cannot find a job. Right now, we’re gearing up to tell the Senate that no child should be too poor for the Child Tax Credit. If we all work together, millions of poor children will be better off and we will make important gains towards our poverty reduction goal.

We have big plans for this summer and beyond, and we can’t do it without you! So, tell your friends about Half in Ten, and keep an eye out for the very latest.

Thanks again for your support!

The Half in Ten Team

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Status of poverty in your town/ Guest writers

Hey Everyone,

I want to know about the status of poverty in your town or state, that's why I am looking for guest writers to report on the status of poverty in their town or state. If you would like to be a guest writer for The Time to End Poverty is Now contact me at I can't wait to hear from you.


Jason Couch

The Time to End Poverty is Now!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

BIG Corporations and Low Wages, Just One Cause of Poverty

It’s so bad for the hard working Americans these days. It’s so bad a single mother can’t even buy her child a piece of bubble gum; I mean come on this should not be happening, but it is. This is what I say to the BIG corporations quit being so tight with your damn money! Help the hard working people that have helped you make your money and build your business, instead of laying them off. It is not going to hurt your billions and billions of dollars you have made by giving you hard working employees a decent raise, and by that I don’t mean giving a raise to you executives in the office. I am talking about giving decent raises to the ones digging for your oil, working in your nursing homes, waiting on your customers and taking their orders, basically I am talking about all the true hard working Americans in all industries that make businesses and America run. Think about what would you the BIG corporation do if you didn’t have the hard working Americans doing the work for you???? Wait I know what would happen your business would fail. This is only one cause of poverty, but this one cause of poverty can easily be eliminated, just by having the BIG corporations open their wallets a little more.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Toledo set for battle on poverty

It is great to see communities coming together to fight the war on poverty. This is why I am sharing this article I found with everyone tonight.

Toledo set for battle on poverty


Jason Couch

Monday, June 2, 2008

MicroPlace Launches “Small change. Big change.” Campaign

The “Small change Big change” Campaign is a great, way to help bring people out of poverty. There is also another plus to the campaign; it also allows people in poverty to show off their business ideas. The way the campaign works is it allows everyday people to get together with friends and family to make investments that earn a financial return and help address global poverty by raising funds for global microfinance institutions that provide loans to the worlds working poor. If you are like me, you probably have a lot of change laying around that goes unnoticed, just think if you gathered up all your spare change you could help someone out of poverty, hints the name “Small change Big change” Campaign. Start looking for that spare change around the house and use it to make a big change in someone’s life.

Small change Big change” Campaign

MicroPlace Launches “Small change. Big change.” Campaign