Tuesday, June 10, 2008

BIG Corporations and Low Wages, Just One Cause of Poverty

It’s so bad for the hard working Americans these days. It’s so bad a single mother can’t even buy her child a piece of bubble gum; I mean come on this should not be happening, but it is. This is what I say to the BIG corporations quit being so tight with your damn money! Help the hard working people that have helped you make your money and build your business, instead of laying them off. It is not going to hurt your billions and billions of dollars you have made by giving you hard working employees a decent raise, and by that I don’t mean giving a raise to you executives in the office. I am talking about giving decent raises to the ones digging for your oil, working in your nursing homes, waiting on your customers and taking their orders, basically I am talking about all the true hard working Americans in all industries that make businesses and America run. Think about what would you the BIG corporation do if you didn’t have the hard working Americans doing the work for you???? Wait I know what would happen your business would fail. This is only one cause of poverty, but this one cause of poverty can easily be eliminated, just by having the BIG corporations open their wallets a little more.